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Higher Maths Tutor
The free maths websites are courtesy of Inigo Media, the SQA and all the authors who have kindly made their resources freely available.
The wealth of online resources include a course outline, formulae lists, past/practice SQA exam papers, theory guides, practice unit assessments, exam questions split into topics, mind maps, video links and step-by-step worked solutions to exam questions.
Passing the fast paced Higher Maths course significantly increases your career opportunities by helping you gain a place on a college/university course, apprenticeship or even landing a job. A ‘good’ pass at Higher Maths will set you up well for the AH Maths course next year should you be interested. Please do your very best to keep on top of your studies.
For students looking for extra help there is a small subscription fee for optional excellent exam focused resources in the Higher Maths Online Study Pack. Your greatly appreciated contribution is reinvested towards website development costs, hosting fees, further enrichment and the guaranteed continuation of this fantastic resource.
To access a wealth of additional free resources by topic please either use the above Search Bar or click on Free Higher Maths by Topic selecting the topic you wish to study.
The table below gives the links to our three dedicated websites and exam focused Study Packs for N5 Maths, N5 Applications of Maths, Higher Maths & AH Maths. Also included are additional courses where you will find a wealth of excellent resources to help with your studies.
We hope the resources on this website prove useful and wish you the very best of success with your course in 2024/25.